As I have said in earlier posts, I work with some of the brightest scientists in the world. As you can imagine, there are some pretty interesting water cooler conversations, but most revolve around topics mere mortals cannot begin to comprehend. Naturally, being around brainiacs all day tends to make you a product of your environment, or rather, makes you believe you are more intelligent than you really are. My coworker and I were philosophizing about Quantum Computing. If you don’t know what that is, surely you in another universe does! Now, I am far from an authority in this subject, so take the following content with a grain of salt, for certainly much of the content is probably incorrect, if you were to ask an expert in this faux field of study. Basically, Quantum theory goes something like this, as I interpret it:’Things exist in all states (e.g. universes) until they are observed. Once observed, the path (state) becomes known. However, by observing the state, it is said to disturb the system.” In short, it is said that in the Quantum circles, everything is everywhere, and only until you observe it do you see the results. Many of you have heard about Schrödinger’s cat. If not, do a Google search on the subject to see if the cat is dead or alive. During our conversation, I kicked back in my chair, put my feet up, and felt like a real scientist. The conversation roughly followed this train of thought: “What were they smoking when, in the 1920’s, the Quantum theory was conceived? I’m mean, come on. It is everywhere? However, don’t observe or measure it, else disturb it? Then by disturbing it, you taint any remaining results, less creating a new outcome for the presently measured results” “Why don’t I just observe the point in the Quantum universe where I am rich? That will solve my problems. Then again, I may already be rich in another universe, thus will alter the outcome of myself, but in parallelism. But when then, if another me observes this rich state and consequently takes the well deserved riches away from me?” “Why not just sit at our desks all day and do nothing, stating that everything has already been done, just go on your way and observe that in the Quantum universe for which you wish accomplished? Hmmm, I’m sure Payroll will certainly jump on that bandwagon: We did pay you, but in another universe. Seek it out.”
We came to the conclusion that the Quantum theory is technical reasoning to explain our existence and the dullness of life. Maybe, in another Quantum universe, life is more exciting! Just think, infinite possibilities! In one case, I am doing what I am doing right now. In another, I am president. Another, rich and famous. But wait, in others, I may be a serial killer, a caterpillar or who knows what. Only by observing will we find out. But wait! Me knowing where I am right now means that I have observed ?!?!?
I left the discussion with the same attitude towards Quantum mumbo jumbo the same as when I entered. It is a fantasy reserved for deep thought when tripping on acid or other reality distortion chemical. Now, if someone were to instead define it as not infinite, but rather as a new type of measurement system, then I’ll bite. You may have heard about Quantum Computing. This is a type of machine that theoretically can compute large values at great speed because the results are already there. One just needs to observe the proper result. But how do you know where to observe? That is the drawback in the Quantum world (again, observing means it is no longer infinite, and you create a ‘disturbance in the force’).
I would rather see it implemented in a way for which there are definitions. For example, you have a cubit (a Quantum element) that is in orbit around something that it is supposed to orbit. Let’s say that this only orbits in a single plane. While orbiting, the cubit is also spinning. About the orbit, you have detectors at every 1 degree of the orbit, resulting in 360 measuring points. The speed of the orbit is fixed and known. You can now, using something as simple as binary, have a machine that can have 360 states at once; you just need to trigger the correct sensor in the array of 360 detectors and read the rotation of the cubit during that point along the orbit. Sounds simple enough, providing the cubit has a property that facilitates detection of a state (e.g. + or -) during its rotation. But there is a flaw in this thinking. Say you have a trigger at the 45, 46, 47 and 48 degree sensors. You write to your cubit computer the following binary pattern: 1001. So when reading sensor 45 you get a positive reading designating a 1, a negative charge at sensor 46 and so on. The cubit retains this charge in these positions until either you change the state at that exact point during its orbit, or some other natural breakdown occurs. Here is the catch: The spin rate of the cubit needs to change to reliably keep the binary value 1001 in the 45-48 positions. When the orbit moves from 45 to 46 degrees, in our stored value, the cubit needs to make a half rotation (moving from the + to – state), but when moving from 46 to 47 degrees, it either needs to stop rotation, or speed up to complete one rotation to preserve the binary 0 (- charge), then needs to rotate again a half turn to complete the binary 1 in position 48.
I have brought this up in other friendly forums before, and some say that a Quantum computer needs only one cubit of processing power and one cubit of memory, if fantasyland were real. I argue otherwise, but have written way to much about a topic I know almost nothing about to bore you any further.
Ahh well, this makes my head hurt. I will leave it up to the geniuses to figure it all out after a little shake and bake session on their blackboards.
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